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holiday wreath Illustrator tutorial

This step by step tutorial will show you how to create a holiday wreath.

Step 1: draw an ellipse using the Ellipse Tool. Make the ellipse proportional by Holding down the SHIFT Key. Choose proper fill and stroke colour.

Step 2: create a copy of the ellipse and paste it in the front of the previous one. Grab a corner handle of it and drag it inwards by pressing the Shift + Alt key.

Step 3: Open the Pathfinder window by selecting Window > Pathfinder. By Selecting both ellipses and pressing the Alt key go to the Pathfinder window .Select the Subtract from shape area option to cut out a hole in the ellipse.

Step 4: select the ellipse and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Roughen to roughen the ellipse. Note: based on the size of the object there may be variation in the Relative size .please make use of the Preview option to preview the effects with the current settings .The settings used in this tutorial are I used a Relative size = 7%, a Detail = 100%, and Smooth points.

Step 5: create a copy of what you have made and paste it in the front of the previous one. Grab a corner handle of it and drag it inwards by pressing the Shift + Alt key. For visual effect select a different fill and stroke (mostly light) for the new object .Rotate it a little.

Step 6: Repeat the above step with a different and darker fill and stroke. Also rotate it a little.

Step 7: The holiday wreath is almost ready. Decorations it with some pre-made symbols provided by Illustrator. Open the Symbols window by selecting Window > Symbols. Open Symbol Library by clicking on the little arrow and then select Celebration decoration.

Step 8: Drag the decoration symbol from the symbol window into your document. Resize it and place it to as you like.

Tips: You can use as many decorations to decorate the Wreath.